Connect Whereby

Whereby is a video conferencing software. If you wish to use Whereby for online meetings then you need to integrate Whereby with neetoCal.

Create an organization account on Whereby

  1. Visit the Whereby link.

  2. Enter the company name and your desired subdomain and click on continue.

  3. Enter your email and full name, or sign up with Google.

  4. You will receive an email with an OTP and a magic link.

  5. Open the magic link you received

  6. Click on the Configure tab.

  7. Under API Keys, click on the Generate key button. Copy the API key and note it down. It will be needed later.

Adding Whereby Integration in neetoCal

  1. Click on Settings from the left-hand sidebar.

  2. Click on Video conferencing integrations. If you don't see an option for "Video Conferencing integrations, " you are not in the Business plan. You need to click Subscribe to Business and switch to the business plan to get this feature.

  3. Look for the Whereby card and click on the Connect link.

  4. A new page will appear. Enter the API key that we got from the above.

  5. Click on the Connect button.

  6. You should see a confirmation message.

One account for the whole organization

Let's say that in your organization, there are many team members. You don't want each team member to connect to their video conferencing software. In that case, Whereby provides an excellent feature.

The admin connects Whereby account, as mentioned above, and the rest of the team members don't need to connect their own video conferencing software like Zoom or Google Team. In such cases Whereby will create new video conferencing link for each meeting when a meeting is booked.

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