If you enable the Google/Outlook calendar integration in NeetoCal, then your clients will receive two emails after booking a meeting, one from NeetoCal and another from Google/Outlook Calendar.
1. Booking confirmation email from NeetoCal
This email confirms that the meeting has been successfully scheduled.
It includes all relevant meeting details, such as the date, time, and responses collected through the booking form.
2. Calendar event invitation email
When the admin has Google/Outlook Calendar integration enabled, the booked meeting is automatically created as an event in both the host’s and the client’s Google/Outlook Calendar.
As a result, Google Calendar/Outlook sends an event invitation email to the client, notifying them about the new event.
Can one of these emails be disabled?
At this time, there is no way to disable either of these emails. The NeetoCal meeting confirmation email is essential as it includes all necessary booking details and calendar email is automatically triggered by Google/Outlook when an event is added.
We understand that receiving two emails might be redundant for clients, and we’re actively looking for a ways to improve this. If a feature becomes available to manage these notifications, we’ll update you accordingly.