Booking confirmation email

You can configure the email received by the host when a booking is made.

  1. Visit your scheduling link.

  2. Click on the Settings tab.

  3. Select Email notifications card.

You can select the type of confirmation email from the Booking emails section

Booking confirmation email for the host

This is the confirmation email that the host receives after a booking is made. You can modify the subject and body of the email. You can also add other email addresses as CC. These emails will also receive the confirmation email when a booking is made.

Booking confirmation email for the client

This is the confirmation email that the client receives when a booking is made. You can modify the subject and body of this email.

Booking cancellation email for the client

This is the confirmation email that the client receives when a booking is cancelled by the host. You can modify the subject and body of this email.

You can use dynamic variables to add more information to the email.

Resending confirmation emails

  1. Click on the Bookings tab from the left sidebar.

  2. Open booking details of the upcoming booking and click three dots in the header next to the meeting name.

  3. Click on Resend Confirmation.

  4. In case you want to change the host, check the checkbox Change host and select the new host from the dropdown.

  5. Then click the Resend button to send a confirmation email to both the new host and the client.