The purpose of a scheduling link is to allow your clients to schedule a meeting with you at a convenient time. You create a scheduling link. You set your availability hours. Your clients can then pick a time based on your availability, and you can have a meeting
Add new scheduling link
Click on the Scheduling links tab from the left sidebar.
Click on Add new scheduling link button.
You can choose from three meeting types while creating a meeting.
One-on-One: This meeting type enables individuals to book a meeting solely with you, as you will be the only host of the meeting.
Round Robin: Round Robin meeting type evenly distributes meeting slots among team members to ensure fairness and balanced scheduling. Please see the article on Round Robin for a detailed understanding.
Multi-host: A multi-host meeting is a type of meeting where more than one member of your team will be joining the meeting with a client. This article has more details about multi-host meetings.
Scheduling link restrictions
The scheduling links have the following restrictions:
Uppercase letters are not allowed.
Consecutive hyphens are not allowed in the scheduling links, like "meet-with--me."
These words are not allowed: admin, availabilities, calendar, login, logout, meetings, payment, scheduled meetings, and settings.
No leading or trailing whitespace is allowed.
No special characters like #, @, $, etc. are allowed.
Scheduling links should not begin or end with a hyphen, like "-link" or "link-."
Using hyphens or underscores is allowed to separate words in the link.
Scheduling links need to be unique
Each scheduling link needs to be unique so that we can identify which scheduling link is being used.
If a scheduling link has already been taken, you will be asked to choose a different one.
Links can be reused once a meeting is deleted. However, the link reuse is temporarily restricted if the deleted meeting has any upcoming bookings. In such cases, the person must wait until all the upcoming bookings associated with the deleted meeting are completed before reusing the link for a new meeting.
The purpose of a scheduling link is to allow your clients to schedule a meeting with you at a convenient time. You create a scheduling link. You set your availability hours. Your clients can then pick a time based on your availability, and you can have a meeting.