Why slots are unavailable

It could be very frustrating if the slots you expect to be available are unavailable. Here are a few ways to figure out why your slot isn't being shown.

1. Check your timezone

Ensure that your timezone is correctly set up. Click on your name at the bottom left corner. Then click on My Profile. Now, you should see your timezone. If your timezone is not correct, then change your timezone.

2. Confirm your availability

The most crucial step is to confirm that you have correctly configured your availabilities. If you're unsure how to set your availability, refer to this article.

3. Check for availability overrides

Ensure that there are no overrides configured for the specific slot you are looking for.

To know more about availability overrides, please read this article.

4. Check lead time

Check that if you have set lead time, then it matches with what you want. If you're not sure what lead time is or how to set it up, please read this article.

5. Check buffer time

Check that if you have set buffer time, then it matches with what you want. If you're not sure what lead time is or how to set it up, please read this article.

6. Check for conflicting calendar events

If you've linked your Google account and set a preference for checking calendar conflicts, there's a chance that certain events in your Google Calendar might be conflicting with the specific slot you're searching for. Navigate to https://calendar.google.com/calendar and see if you have any events in that particular slot.

If you continue to experience issues with troubleshooting your availability, please don't hesitate to reach out to the neetoCal team. We are more than willing to assist you.

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