
The Messages feature in NeetoCal allows hosts and clients to send messages to each other without revealing their email addresses.

When a booking is made, NeetoCal sends emails to both the client and the host. The client can reply to these emails, and it will be received by the host. The host can reply to these emails to continue the conversation.

Besides replying to emails, the host can send and receive messages using the Messages tab.

Example 1 : Let’s say a yoga instructor John(host), is conducting a yoga session. John wants to remind his client Eve, to bring a yoga mat. He can do so by sending a message through the Messages tab. Now, Eve receives an email with the message, and she can respond to the message by replying to the email.

Example 2 : Consider that Eve(client) wants to request a shorter session. She can send a message by replying to one of the emails sent by NeetoCal. John(host) will receive the message as an email, which can also be viewed in the Messages tab. John can send a reply in the Messages tab or simply reply to the email.

In both cases, John(host) and Eve(client) will not have their email IDs exposed to each other.

Send Messages

For Hosts

Hosts have two ways of sending messages to their clients.

  • Through Email :

    1. Select an email sent by NeetoCal regarding the booking with a client.

    2. Click on the reply button.

    3. Type in your message and hit send.

  • Through the Messages tab :

    1. Navigate to the Messages tab on the homepage.

    2. You can also click on the booking and navigate to the Messages tab.

    3. Type in your message and hit send.

The client will receive the message as an email.

For Clients

  1. Select an email sent by NeetoCal regarding the booking or an email message sent by the host.

  2. Click on the reply button.

  3. Type in your message and hit send.