Customize booking page

NeetoCal lets you customize your booking page to match your brand. You can choose from a variety of pre-designed themes, upload your logo, and add a cover image. This helps make your booking page look professional and aligned with your brand’s style.

Customize a booking page

  1. Select the Scheduling link for which you want to customize booking page.

  2. Click Theme tab.

  3. Select a system theme or click on the "+" icon to add a new theme.

  4. To edit a system theme, you must first clone that theme. You can do that by clicking the

    three dot menu, and then clicking clone.

  5. Now, the theme will be available under Custom themes.

  6. Click on the three-dot menu of a custom theme, and click on edit.

  7. Now, you can customize the colors, logo, and cover image of your choice.

Setting a global theme

If you set a theme as global theme, then the scheduling links that you create in the future will have this theme applied. The global theme is denoted by the yellow star icon in the theme card.

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Note: If you set a theme as global theme and then customize the properties later, all scheduling links using the global theme will have the new theme styles.

To set a global theme:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu inside a theme card and click on Set as global theme.

  2. In the edit / create theme screen, enable the switch Set as global theme.

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