Hour format

You can customize the hour format to suit your preferences. You can set the hour format to 12H or 24H. Time will be displayed in that format on booking page, booking confirmation page and in your emails.

Setting the hour format

  1. Click on Admin Panel on left side bar.

  2. Click on card Hour format.

  3. Choose your desired hour format from the dropdown.

  4. Click on Save changes.

What's the hour format shown to my clients?

The hour format displayed in booking confirmation page and emails sent to your clients will display their selected preference during the booking process.

For example, if you have set 12H format, by default booking page will show time in 12H format. (e.g., 9:00 AM). However, client can switch between 12H to 24H based on their preference. if client selects 21:00 in 24H format (IST) during booking then it will show 21:00 (IST) in booking confirmation page and email sent by NeetoCal.