NeetoCal allows you to pre-fill questions using URL parameters. It means if you send your clients urls like[email protected] then when John clicks on that link his name and email will be pre-filled. People also call this feature pass variables to the form or pass data to the form.
URL parameters
URL parameters are extra information added to the end of a web address (URL) that helps communicate specific instructions or data to a website. They are typically separated from the base URL by a question mark (?), and multiple parameters are separated by ampersands (&).
For example, consider the URL "". Name and age are the parameters in this case, and their values are John and 25, respectively.
Use URL parameters to pre-fill booking fields
The default booking questions in NeetoCal are the client's name and email. Sometimes, we know these values in advance and may wish to pre-fill them to simplify the user experience while booking a meeting.
Consider this scheduling link: We can add URL parameters to this link, like this:[email protected]. Now, when the client books the meeting, the name and email of the user will be pre-filled.
In the above link, name and email are parameters, while Sam and [email protected] are the values. We call these parameters "field codes". The list of questions can be found in the Configure tab. Please check questions for the client for more information about questions. The field code for a question can be found under each question.
By default, NeetoCal creates unique field codes for each question. The field code can be modified to our liking, provided it is unique and doesn't clash with the codes of other questions.
Please review the sections for each question type for specific examples of how you can use these field codes for those questions and their additional attributes.
Marking question as "Read-only"
NeetoCal allows users to mark specific questions as read-only. This feature is useful for scenarios where pre-filled information, such as name, email, or other details, should remain unchanged when sharing a pre-filled scheduling link. By marking a field as read-only, clients cannot edit the pre-filled information, ensuring accuracy and preventing tampering.
When to use Read-only fields
When you collect user details through another form before scheduling (e.g, using NeetoForm or a third-party tool).
When you need to ensure email addresses or other critical information remain unchanged.
When dealing with sensitive data, such as scheduling IDs or official records (e.g., in an embassy setting)
How to mark a question as Read-Only
Click on the scheduling link where you want to set up read-only fields.
Click on Settings tab.
Then Questions.
Click on the triple-dot menu next to the desired question and then Edit.
Scroll down and click on Advance properties.
Enable Mark question as read-only toggle and it will set that question as non-editable for pre-filled scheduling links.
Please note, if in case you have marked any question as Read-only then in case of sharing default scheduling link it won't allow clients to fill response of that question manually.