Timezone selector

We have explored the existing timezone selectors used by scheduling softwares and we found scope of improvement in all of them. Timezones are complicated and its selector needed more human friendliness. So we built an open source timezone selector called neeto-timezones.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 11.03.27 PM.png

How is my timezone detected ?

Your browser tells us what your timezone is. This depends on the timezone setting your computer has. You can change your timezone using your computer's system settings. Here is how it looks in macOS:

Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 7.28.26 PM.png

List of timezones

We have tried to include all of the timezones in the world but there might be issues in some of the timezones. If you have found an error or have a suggestion for improvement, please contact us.


Please note that neeto-timezones is still maturing and it would take time for it to reach perfection covering all the timezones in the world. Please provide us with your valuable feedback through any of the following means:

  1. Email to [email protected]

  2. Chat with us through the chat widget you see on the bottom right

  3. GitHub: https://github.com/neetohq/timezones

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